2 women trying to make a baby

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reserved some eggs today!

Today J and I went to the Big Business Fertility Clinic and we were able to choose our egg donor! Yay. It feels as though we are finally on the road to having a baby. What is this strange pleasant feeling infusing my system: could it be fertility related optimism? Holy cow, I think it is!

So the story of the day goes like this. J and I met with *Amy* the egg donor lady. We signed a ton of forms. She let us look at 6 egg donor profiles we could choose from. She explained the egg donor process. She tried to send us home to think about our donor choice. We said, "Not so much. We will be making a choice and getting this ball rolling TODAY." She laughed and we made our choice. Our egg donor is 22 years old and she has 2 children. She is something of a rock star egg producer. She is tall with red hair and green eyes. I love our choice! The mixture of our sperm donor (dark hair and eyes) with our egg donor will be the most like J and I could have created together. I also love that we will likely get 8 eggs from the donor. They will transfer 2 embryos to me. Here's a really fun part: if we have more good embryos left over, they will be frozen for later use! I am not holding my breath for enough embies for an FET but it does sound like good news.

Then we were whisked away to the nurse who will actually work with our cycle. She is very nice and knowledgeable. She talked with us about what the schedule will look like. BCP followed by Lupron and Estradiol, lining checks, 3 day transfer and progesterone injections. I know it sounds like alot but I just kept thinking how much easier this will be than a full IVF cycle. It looks like we will bring our embryos home (inside me) at the end of August!!!!

Last stop: the check out desk for another bill. Cost of today's talks and scheduling, $140. Cost of getting us a baby: priceless.


tireegal68 said...

OMG - that is so exciting!!!! I am so happy for you! that donor sounds amazing and the combination with the sperm donor so great! Yippee!
If all goes well with me we should be cycling together!!!!
I am so psyched for you gals.
Are you doing a shared program with other couples hence the 8 eggs?
that sounds like a good deal. I too am excited about having embies left over for an FET - I am just plain greedy after all the waiting. (BIG HUGS)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're really getting there! Congrats on picking an egg donor. Here's hoping August brings you some very good news :)

Inlocoparentis said...

I am so happy for you guys! That's great news!!

Pufferfish said...

Super eggcellent news!! I know the waiting has been hellish but now you are getting so much closer! August is just around the corner.

Anonymous said...

aw, cindy, i am SO excited for you and J! sounds like a wonderful donor - i love that she has red hair and green eyes! :)

Anonymous said...

Um, AWESOME! You found a redhead too! I'm so excited for you girls that I can't stop using exclamation points!

Anonymous said...

I'm grinning like a fool - I'm so happy you've got the eggs! They sound like wonderful eggs! I'm thrilled you're process is underway.

tbean said...

In a rush but needed to say YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! So happy for you! And excited! :)

mama bea, bao in the oven said...

mazel tov, ladies! This is awesome. I teared up a little at your description of the combo of your two donors looking like the two of you. How wonderful and amazing. I hope August comes with lightening speed.
I loved your pictures and list, by the way--your house and land looks so beautiful and relaxing and lovely. Thank you for sharing the pics!

Danielle said...

How did I miss this post????

Dude! I'm over the moon for you. This is feeling really good.

This is definitely Hip-Hip-Hoorah'ish !!!



Best When Used By said...

How did I miss this post??!! (I must have been mesmerized by the cats!) This is such fantastic news!!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you chose a redheaded donor! 22, tall, red hair and green eyes...she sounds lovely! Your protocol sounds precisely like mine except for the progesterone (as you know I'm doing suppositories). Hurray, hurray, hurray for you guys. I SO hope this works! So, what, 5 weeks or so now and you'll be in your 2ww? Congratulations you guys. You deserve so much joy.

Anonymous said...

This is so wonderfully exciting! I am thrilled for you girls. Just another step closer to your family.