2 women trying to make a baby

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A fairy story

Once upon a time two lovely lesbians princesses paid for their first donor egg cycle and filled out mounds and mounds of paperwork. As they completed that cycle (a long long time ago), they read in the paperwork that ICED cycles (frozen donor egg cycles) could provide UP TO eight eggs with the intent being at least 2-3 embryos to transfer. The princesses were wearing their rose-colored glasses and paid no attention to small details such as “up to.” However when their rose-colored glasses were unceremoniously removed by the BFN monster, the princesses found that they had only been given 6 eggs from their first donor (because she was a “proven” donor). Therefore when Dr Fairy Godmother offered another cycle for mere pixie dust, the princesses cautiously broached the egg count issue, not wanting to look ungrateful. The Dr Fairy Godmother was kind and understanding but elusive on this point. Apparently Dr Fairy Godmother had to make such decisions only after consulting with the other godmothers and godfathers.

Then yesterday, the princesses received a message through the magic mirror (sometimes called email) that the fairy counsel agreed that the somewhat desperate princesses could have 8 eggs. The mirror also relayed that the eggs were successfully transitioned for Princess Cindy’s name into Princess Joey’s name (always a relief because Southern Far Away can be a bit homophobic).

Yep, eight potential ice babies are waiting for us in the cooler.


Meredith said...

Wooooooo hooooooooooo! Thats one helluva fairy story my friend. 8 sounds like a great number!

Mina said...

Yayyy!!! I love this story! :)

Anonymous said...


As I was reading I was worried the fairy tale was going to end badly - phew! 8 is great.

Lizzie said...

Great news!

GIsen said...

Well lets pray this fairytale has a happy ending. How many embies will you be transferring?

Schroedinger said...

Eight is GREAT! Hooray!

anofferingoflove said...

I heart your doctor. I'm glad they honored the spirit of the contact - that "up to" language is crappy. I mean, under that interpretation, one would satisfy the contract! Anyhow, good news!!! :-)

Finn's Mom said...

Go figure eight! You're lovely and symmetrical and round, and sideways you're infinity. Surely you're the princesses magic number! Tell me another story! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god Cindy!! That is the best news ever... I am so happy! Em

mama bea, bao in the oven said...

...and they all lived happily ever after! Such great news.

Best When Used By said...

Wow! Ask and ye shall be blessed by the Fairy God Mother! Whoopee! I can't wait to read the ending...."and they all lived happily ever after!"

Trinity said...

Brilliant news!

Anonymous said...

Good good news all around the blogs today! That's freaking fantastic and I am thrilled to hear it!

Danielle said...

Phew! Glad to hear there were no wicked witches or step mothers to ruin the party.

Good luck


Next in Line said...

I am waiting for "and they all lived happily ever after."

tireegal68 said...

your clinic is treating you like it should and you are some seriously assertive and resilient fairytale princesses!!!!
Sorry I have been MIA - I have been reading but no time to comment.
Please let things continue to go smoothly!
Your post was really great.
Sending you both lots of lovely happy eggy vibes.

Eva said...

How exciting! I hope this one is it.