2 women trying to make a baby

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ode to Prop 8

I ran across this video today. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, it is totally worth watching!



Anonymous said...

God I love those two!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! "I'll rubber your ducky..."

Best When Used By said...

That was a great video. I'm not sure the "Pro 8'ers" would get it though. As a Californian, I am up to my ears in the Prop 8 issue. The "Yes on 8" folks ran their original campaign based on fear tactics and ludicrous claims. It was ridiculous. This past Wednesday, after our state supreme court upheld the vote, our local newspaper was full of photos and comments. The "best" quote (read: most stupid, ridiculous ever) was that of a Christian reverend who said this:

"Traditional marriage is at the heart of the ethnic community. It is the antidote to 14-year old girls getting pregnant and 16-year olds getting into gangs...It is essential that traditional marriage survives."

Would someone please explain to me how gay marriage results in 14-year old girls getting pregnant? Or how acknowledging gay marriage somehow "kills" traditional marriage? That aside, I'm not sure how ANY marriage prevents teen pregnancy or gangs. Ohhhh, wait a minute.....you mean it's responsible, interested, value-based PARENTING that prevents those things? Nooooowwww I get it. So all those heterosexual, TRADITIONALLY MARRIED, irresponsible, neglectful, value-lacking parents have been faking it all this time!!!! OMG!!! They are really.....gay! They MUST be because their kids are pregnant and in gangs! Wow. I'm so glad you cleared all this up for me. Now I feel as smart as those Yes on 8 folks.