2 women trying to make a baby

Sunday, November 2, 2008

political musings

This morning, HJ and I went to the farm supply store to get shavings for the doghouse--- makes them warm and smell like gerbils! In any case I had to drive to the side of the building for a helpful older man to load the bags into my SUV-- which is proudly emblazened with an Obama 08 bumper sticker. He felt the need to tell me that I am voting for the wrong person. Now I don't know the guy so I did not really engage in a debate with him but I made some bland comment about choice. But he was getting wound up to set me straight (sorry fella others have tried and failed before you!) so he launches into how he believes that Obama will bring about the end of America. WTF! I smile and tell him that I think he's wrong then I thank him and drive away.

But my questions are 1) Is Obama so threatening because he is a person of color? 2) Is Obama so threatening because people perceive that he is Muslim? (Which he is NOT but would it matter if her were?) 3) Why does everyone decide that he is a socialist-- again which he is not??

I am struck by the differences in climate of yesterday and today. In Nashville, tons of people had Obama bumper stickers and people howled at a George Bush joke at the play. Yesterday, no one gave HJ and I a second glance as we shopped together (clearly a couple) at the natural foods store. People joined in with our fun at dinner-- 2 lesbians and 3 effeminate gay men. But back in the small town where I actually live, some random man feels free to engage in conservative advice-giving I clearly was not open to taking. Grrr.

1 comment:

Dagny said...

1) Is Obama so threatening because he is a person of color? Only because the elite want him to be. Or so I believe. Well, and the complete and utter idiots, not much you can do about them.

2) Is Obama so threatening because people perceive that he is Muslim? (Which he is NOT but would it matter if her were?) Well, Americans are now taught to fear difference I think. I don't know, the whole thing really makes my skin crawl to be honest...*sigh* (them, not him!!)

3) Why does everyone decide that he is a socialist-- again which he is not?? Again, because the RICH WHITE MEN tell them so. It is pathetic.

I'm sorry your country is so messed up....

not that mine isn't, but not quite in the same way....
